Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Very helpful, informative and knowledgeable"

Read the following customer support chat log that shows how StoresOnline Customer Support Representatives assist StoresOnline Merchants in a professional and courteous manner.

-StoresOnline Support- Thank you for contacting Storesonline Storefront Support.
-StoresOnline Support- Hi
-StoresOnline Support- How may I help you?
-Merchant Review- Hey
-Merchant Review- First time here for me.
-StoresOnline Support- Welcome aboard! We're glad that you could come by and experience the chat session!
-StoresOnline Support- Is there anything particular I may offer to assist you with at this moment?
-Merchant Review- Forgot my password.
-StoresOnline Support- let me check this
-StoresOnline Support- Hold please
-Merchant Review- thx.
-StoresOnline Support- Thank you for waiting
-StoresOnline Support- Password has been reset
-StoresOnline Support- You may use the new password now
-Merchant Review- can you send it to my email
-StoresOnline Support- Sure
-StoresOnline Support- Should I send it to your yahoo account?
-Merchant Review- I can get that from here.
-StoresOnline Support- Yes
-Merchant Review- Ok, let me try that one, just a minute.
-StoresOnline Support- sure
-Merchant Review- ok good, I'm back in merchant services. reset my password to something more memorable. Been a few weeks since I've been here.
-StoresOnline Support- Is there anything else I can help you with?
-Merchant Review- Do you know why chat would not work on IE7?
-StoresOnline Support- That is because there are features in our system that is not compatible with the said version of internet browser
-Merchant Review- I had to use firefox instead.
-StoresOnline Support- Yes, that is right
-Merchant Review- Should I use Firefox for communicating with stores online. How about site setup, testing and configuration. Will it work on all browsers once setup?
-StoresOnline Support- Its safe to use firefox instead of IE7
-Merchant Review- So for setup, Firefox is default browser.
-StoresOnline Support- Correct
-Merchant Review- Once in operation, any problems for customers or site visitors using other browser like IE or say Opera?
-StoresOnline Support- The live site will not be affected by this
-Merchant Review- Ok, thank you for your help. Great to communicate with a real person instead of doing everything by myself.
-Merchant Review- Ok, again thank you. Will chat next time I need Help.
-StoresOnline Support- Please contact us if you need any further assistance. We'd love for you to fill out the survey after you click on the "Done" Button. We appreciate your comments and suggestions regarding your recent experience. I hope I have given you excellent service. Thank you and have a lovely day!
-Merchant Review- Ok, I'll do that. Bye.
-StoresOnline Support- Goodbye
-Merchant Review has left the chat.

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StoresOnline Customer Support

StoresOnline Customer Support takes the time to ask the right questions and understand the needs of merchants. Here is another merchant chat record to illustrate how StoresOnline customers know they can count on top quality customer support every time they contact StoresOnline:

StoresOnline Support - Welcome to Stores Online Storefront Support! StoresOnline Support - Hi Sir StoresOnline Support - Good to have you here on chat! How may I help you today?
Merchant Review - Hi. I'm trying to activate links and it isn't working
StoresOnline Support - Please clarify the links you are refering on?
Merchant Review - The links are on my product page
Merchant Review - I put in the links but it didn't go to the correct product
Merchant Review - It linked to a blank page
StoresOnline Support - Let me check it on your shoes page.
StoresOnline Support - One moment please
Merchant Review - I unlinked it since it didn't work
StoresOnline Support - may I know the exact page name please?
Merchant Review - which one?
Merchant Review - Product A and BStoresOnline Support - Thanks
StoresOnline Support - Are you referring to the "Price quotes" links"?
Merchant Review - No that is fine.
Merchant Review - The ones in the ( )
StoresOnline Support - Woman’s Product A?
Merchant Review - Yes
StoresOnline Support - May I know the sku # of the products that are on the parenthesis?
Merchant Review - ABC123
StoresOnline Support - How about for the products "Men's Product B"?
Merchant Review - XYZ456
StoresOnline Support - Thank you StoresOnline Support - One moment please
StoresOnline Support - I am testing the links now. Please logout temporary to your storefront.
Merchant Review - I did
StoresOnline Support - Thanks
StoresOnline Support - Thank you for waiting
StoresOnline Support - Please login now, the two links are fixed.
Merchant Review - Ok, I see it.
StoresOnline Support - Thanks
Merchant Review - What was the problem?
StoresOnline Support - The products url was not set up well.
StoresOnline Support - You need to highlight the text then insert the product url at the links so it will work
Merchant Review - I did that.
Merchant Review - But it didn't link to the correct product
StoresOnline Support - I see, possibly the products number is different. In the text tool bar "Click the "Links" ellipsis button then there is a window that will pops up then select products then the product url will show up just copy and paste the products url to make sure that you have pasted the correct products url.
Merchant Review - Is it the chain?
StoresOnline Support - No, the "Links" ellipsis button above the text tool bar.
StoresOnline Support - You can copy and paste the products url there
Merchant Review - Oh, I see it now.
Merchant Review - I've been wondering where the urls were listed
StoresOnline Support - Okay, great
StoresOnline Support - Is there anything else I can help you with?
Merchant Review – YesMerchant Review - There is a product that I have on sale
Merchant Review - But only the product C is on sale
Merchant Review - I don't know how to set that up
Merchant Review - It's on the clearance page
StoresOnline Support - Do you mean the product has a variations and one is on sale?
Merchant Review - yes?
StoresOnline Support - I see,
StoresOnline Support - You'll need to create a variation for that then mark the sale item on the products.
Merchant Review - What kind of variation?
Merchant Review - There already size & color
Merchant Review - Did you see the pages
StoresOnline Support - Hold on.
StoresOnline Support - Is this sku#abcd?
Merchant Review - Yes
StoresOnline Support - Ok. one moment please
StoresOnline Support - Thank you for waiting.
StoresOnline Support - I may suggest you to enter the sale price at the variations.
StoresOnline Support - instead
Merchant Review - Instead of?
StoresOnline Support - at the variations box since theres no sale prices options at the varaitions
Merchant Review - Ok. I'm thinking how that would work. Can you explain more
StoresOnline Support - Go to the products edit
StoresOnline Support - Then click the variations tab
StoresOnline Support - Then edit the "Colors" StoresOnline Support - There are products below, enter the sale prices at the "Prices" field box.
StoresOnline Support - For example =$10.00
StoresOnline Support - Then make a note that the blue products shoe colors are on sales. That is the only possible way
Merchant Review - Ok. I'll try it.
Merchant Review - I think I just figured it out.
Merchant Review - That was it/
StoresOnline Support - You'll need to highlight the single text only at the text tool baar StoresOnline Support - I mean text field box.
Merchant Review - Thanks for the help tonight.

If you need Customer Support, please email help@myquickresponse.comor you can visit the StoresOnline Customer Support Chat page by clicking here.

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