Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yahoo Search Marketing Tips

If you haven't explored the world of pay-per-click marketing, StoresOnline suggests that you start with either Google Adwords or Yahoo Search Marketing. Here are a few brief ideas about Yahoo Search Marketing for PPC newbies.

Yahoo Search Marketing allows you to display ads on search results pages when people search for your keywords. You choose the keywords, and you determine how much you will pay for each click. You only pay if someone clicks on your ad and visits your site, and you are in complete control of your keywords, your ad, and your budget.

The first thing you'll need to do when you set up your advertising campaign is choose keywords. Yahoo Search Marketing helps you choose keywords and keyword phrases based on your web site and suggestions you enter. You choose your maximum bid for each keyword, and you can set up different ads for different keywords to improve your targeting. You are in complete control at all times.

One great feature of Yahoo Search Marketing is that it makes local advertising on the Internet very easy and affordable. You can choose geographical areas you want to advertise to, and Yahoo sends your ads only to their visitors in those areas. This means that you will not get clicks from people who can't do business with you; your ads will be targeted to your local area and bring in local visitors who can, and will, use your products or services.

Yahoo Search Marketing has been improving their search platform for quite some time now. The system they have created is somewhat different than Google Adwords, however it does show promise and handles a decent amount of website traffic to make YSM worthwile looking at.

Good luck with your online store and internet business!

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